
Sort the Cats!


Enjoy sorting the cats sitting on the cat towers. Now Sort the Cats!

Sort through the cat blocks on the cat towers, and meet 12 kinds of cutest loafing cats!

How to play

• Tap the cat tower to move a top cat block into the desired cat tower.

• The rule of this game is to stack the cat blocks with the same pattern in each cat tower.

• When a cat tower is completed, the cat blocks will wake up into a cute cat.

• You can always undo your steps or restart the stage anytime.

• You can play the game much easier by adding a cat couch and a cat tower.



• Cute cat puzzle game that’s free & easy to play.

• Unique couch system that allows you to store one cat block temporally.

• Over 1,500 stages to solve, with 3 levels of cat towers.

• Every stage can be solved without adding additional couch or a cat tower.

• Restart, undo, and continue to the next stage without watching any ad.

• Playable offline without Wi-Fi or mobile data.


The cutest cats are waiting for you. Now Sort the Cats!


This game is made by the LoafyCat’s developers. We love cats and puzzle games. Thank you so much!


고양이 퍼즐 게임입니다.

마눌님의 지속적인 요구로 고양이 퍼즐게임을 만들었습니다. ^^;

Cocos2d-x의 장점으로, iOS/android/WP3가지 플래폼에 동시에 게임을 등록했습니다.

다음 페이지에서 다운로드 받아주시면 정말 고맙겠습니다.



Admob integration in Cocos2d-x v3.4 with plugin-x (Android - part 3/3)

<- to Part 2/3

1. Prerequisites

Download API 7,8,10,17,19 & Google Play services from Android SDK Manger

Expand Eclipse Memory heap

Fix eclipse.ini at the folder where you installed Eclipse.

2. Build Plugin-x Library

Excute Terminal, move to the folder below and run publish.sh


After running publish.sh, enter the paths of ndk, sdk, ant.

After completing the build, check for Protocol,admob plugin lib has been created.

3. Change Android build setting

After completing the build at the Terminal, run Game developer guide tool(gameDevGuide.sh)


If you can't run because of GNU AWK, download and install gawk-3.1.8-1.dmg.  (gawk-3.1.8-1.dmg download)

After excuting Game developer guide tool, enter the path of the project's Android folder. (MyGame/proj.android in this tutorial)

Select the Plugin you want to use.(In this tutorial, we'll choose AdMob)

Copy and replace the contents in the admob_cocos2dx_3_4-master/proj.android folder.

4. Eclipse Setting 

Set CDT ndk build environment path like below.

Import Cocos2d-X and Google Play services's Library Projects.

Google Play servicesandroid-sdk-macosx/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib

For convenience, turn off the “Build Automatically” setting in Eclipse.

Import MyGame project.

Set the "Android" and "Java Build Path" settings of MyGame Project.

5. Result

Admob integration in Cocos2d-x v3.4 with plugin-x (iOS - part 2/3)

<- to Part 1/3

1. Add next 2 projects to Xcode.


Caution : To support iOS 5 devices, change the Library project's "iOS Deployment Target" to iOS5.0

2. At the Project Setting, add Dependency and Library to 2 Library Projects.

3. Set the User Header Search Path to recursive.

4. Add a flag -ObjC at the Linking>Other Linker Flags.

5. Add a Frameworks for AdMob/iAd/InMobi.

AdSupport.framework (optional)
GameController.framework (optional)
Social.framework (optional)

6. Setting the Ad Unit ID

At your AdMob page, check the ID in form of "ca-app-pub-0000000000000000/0000000000"

Copy and paste to the source code

7. Result



Speed comparison between Cocos2d-x and Unity3D game

Cocos2d-x 와 Unity3D 게임의 속도 비교 영상

Admob integration in Cocos2d-x v3.4 with plugin-x (Preparing - part 1/3)


Latest LibraryGoogleMobileAdsSdkiOS-6.12.2
Google Play Service
Mediation Support (iOS)AdMob, iAd, InMobi
Google Play Service Support (android)Necessary at Publish/Updating Android app from August 2014
Plugin-x smart banner Bug fix (android)Fixed Source : AdsWrapper.java


1. Setting up the Cocos2d-x Development Environment

Cocos2d-x v3.4
Xcode 5.1 or above
Eclipse Luna Service Release 1a (4.4.1) with ADT&CDT plugin
(Download from https://github.com/neokoala/admob_cocos2dx_3_4)

2. Prepare the Test Project

CocosProjetcs/MyGamecocos new -p com.nowapp.MyGame -l cpp MyGame

3. Unzip admob_cocos2dx_3_4-master.zip and copy/replace to the MyGame project

and the directory looks like this:

Copy and replace HelloWorldScene.cpp,HelloWorldScene.h to Classes folder

Copy and replace plugins/admob folder to MyGame/cocos2d/plugin/plugins folder

Copy and replace protocols/proj.android/src folder to MyGame/cocos2d/plugin/protocols/proj.android folder


Cocos2d-x v3.4 에서 plugin-x로 AdMob 연결하기 (Android - part 3/3)

<- Part 2/3 보기

1. 사전준비

Android SDK Manger에서 API 7,8,10,17,19 & Google Play services 다운로드

Eclipse 메모리 heap늘리기

Eclipse가 설치된 폴더에서 eclipse.ini 파일을 다음과 같이 수정합니다. 

2. Plugin-x 라이브러리 빌드

터미널실행후 다음 폴더로 이동해서 publish.sh를 실행합니다.


실행후 ndk,sdk,ant의 path를 입력해줍니다.

빌드 완료후 다음처럼 Protocol,admob plugin lib가 만들어 졌는지 확인합니다.

3. 안드로이드 빌드 설정 변경

터미널에서 빌드 완료후 Game developer guide tool(gameDevGuide.sh)을 실행합니다.


GNU AWK가 없어서 실행되지 않으면 다음 gawk-3.1.8-1.dmg파일을 받아서 설치합니다. (gawk-3.1.8-1.dmg download)

Game developer guide tool이 실행되면 프로젝트의 안드로이드 폴더 path를 입력합니다. 
(여기서는 MyGame/proj.android)

다음으로 사용할 plugin을 선택합니다. 여기서는 (admob)

다운로드받은 admob_cocos2dx_3_4-master/proj.android폴더의 내용을 다음처럼 복사/대체합니다.

4. Eclipse설정 

다음 그림을 참고해서 CDT ndk build environment path를 설정합니다.

cocos2d-x와 Google Play services의 라이브러리 프로젝트를 import합니다.

cocos2d-x cocos2d-x-3.4/cocos/platform/android/java
Google Play services android-sdk-macosx/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib

편의를 위해 Eclipse의 “Build Automatically”설정을 꺼둡니다.

MyGame 프로젝트를 import합니다.

다음그림처럼 MyGame프로젝트의 “Android”와 “Java Build Path” 설정을 합니다.

5. 실행결과